Library Association of Pomurje



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Located at the Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library, the Library Association of Pomurje is active in Eastern Slovenia. The exchange of information and organisation of seminars, lectures, literary evenings, field trips, educational courses are an important dimension of its networking activities. They are actively involved with public and school libraries, the Slovenian Library Association, other regional Library Associations across Slovenia, publishers in the Pomurje region, and the Slavonic Languages Society of Prekmurje, Prlekija, and Porabje.

The association is a member of the Slovenian Library Association.

See also

External links

Društvo bibliotekarjev Pomurja +
Društvo bibliotekarjev Pomurja +
SI-9000 Murska Sobota +
Zvezna 10 +
Located at the Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library, the Library Association of Pomurje is active in Eastern Slovenia. +
+386 / 2 530 8110 +
Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 +
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